10th Oct 2024 - Open house for applicants


Would you like to get to know us and take a look at your future working environment – discover new opportunities for yourself? Then simply come past our Open-Door-Day. The doors are open every first Thursday of the quarter. Simply write a short e-mail to open-door@kpc.de and we’ll schedule it for you.

We keep you up to date with regular knowledge updates, specialist events, technical training and web seminars and inform you about the most important IT trends and innovations.

4th July 2024
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
at no charge



Start-End // CET
08:00:00 - 17:00:00 Uhr
» Presentation K&P Computer
» Corporate management
» Insight into the department of your choice
» Joint feedback round
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Interested in the event?

You are welcome to call us personally, send us an e-mail or use our registration form to register for the event.

Your contact person



Marion Koehler, Head of Marketing


Do you have any questions or need technical information? Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Please do not enter any confidential data in the contact form. Because the sender cannot be checked, K&P Computer does not accept orders for business transactions via this form. In these cases please contact K&P Computer by phone.

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