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Firmware updates and software maintenance


Firmware updates and software maintenance

Firmware and software updates not only fulfill tasks such as fixing software bugs or providing new features, but also close critical security vulnerabilities. They are essential, daily bread in IT, and often come at the most inconvenient times. Additionally, the topic of update availability has been hotly debated for many years. Third-party maintenance providers have advocated against monopoly positions and for access to necessary updates at reasonable prices in the maintenance sector. Since March 1, 2021, the EU Ecodesign Directive has set new standards for firmware in the context of material efficiency requirements.

Below you will find background information and important details about hardware and software updates. These are intended to serve as a decision-making aid in dealing with firmware updates and the long-term, sustainable design of your IT landscape.

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Background and effects of EU directives/regulations on firmware

Regulations, decisions and ordinances related to HW/SW updates

DIRECTIVE 2009/125/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of October 21, 2009 – The Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC is a directive under European law with the aim of improving the energy efficiency and general environmental compatibility of electrical appliances and energy-related products.
The latest regulation based on Directive 2009/125/EC – amending Regulations (EU) 2019/424, (EU) 2019/1781, (EU) 2019/2019, (EU) 2019/2020, (EU) 2019/2021, (EU) 2019/2022, (EU) 2019/2023 AND (EU) 2019/2024 with regard to ecodesign requirements for servers and data storage products, electric motors and variable speed drives, refrigerating appliances, light sources and separate control gears, electronic displays, household dishwashers, household washing machines and refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function: COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2021/341 of 23. February 2021 COMMISSION DECISION of December 13, 2011 – Case COMP/C-3/39692-IBM Maintenance Services

What changes does the 2021 Ecodesign Directive bring to the handling of firmware?

“…From March 1, 2021, the latest available version of the firmware shall be made available free of charge or at a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory cost two years after the first product of a given product model is placed on the market for a period of at least eight years after the last product of a given product model is placed on the market. The latest available firmware security update shall be made available free of charge from the date of placing on the market of a particular product model until at least eight years after the date of placing on the market of the last product of a particular product model.”

What impact does this have on me as a customer?

The new EU regulation gives you as an IT manager one thing above all: more security in terms of long-term availability and therefore more freedom in the sustainable design of your IT landscape.
No more worrying about firmware updates that may no longer be available and the associated security gaps within a few years of purchase.
The regulation also puts a stop to utopian price demands, contractual conditions linked to the purchase of firmware and recommendations for the premature replacement of fully functional hardware.


Sources: Publications Office of the European Union; https://commission.europa.eu/  official website of the European Union


The holistic, cross-manufacturer K&P solution approach

With a thoroughly customer-oriented 24/7 service organization, we provide comprehensive and individualized consultation and support on this topic. We develop the right firmware update strategy for you and ensure a stable IT operation at all times.

yTalk to us! We are your experts.


For us, excellent IT service begins with expert advice

Unique from the IBM Gold Business Partner

The solution approach for IBM hardware

As an IBM Gold Business Partner, K&P Computer is the only third party maintenance company in the DACH region, which ensures the legal and cost-efficient procurement of hardware updates at any time, even before the regulation comes into effect. This is a profound experience from which you as a customer can benefit at any time – not only in this area.

Another unique aspect is software maintenance, including microcodes – an area not covered by the regulation, but one that we can also address as your business partner.

Talk to us! We are your experts.

IBM Gold Partner

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